This example contains the buttons needed for the most common use cases.
Hello world!
<!--Include the JS & CSS--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/richtexteditor/rte_theme_default.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/richtexteditor/rte.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src='/richtexteditor/plugins/all_plugins.js'></script> <div id="div_editor1"> <p>Hello world!</p> <p><img src='/images/editor-image.png' /></p> </div> <script> var editor1cfg = {} editor1cfg.toolbar = "basic"; var editor1 = new RichTextEditor("#div_editor1", editor1cfg); </script>
In this example, we use the following code to load editor instance.
var editor1cfg = {} editor1cfg.toolbar = "basic"; var editor1 = new RichTextEditor("#div_editor1", editor1cfg);
Basic toolbar definition(RTE_DefaultConfig.toolbar_small) can be found in rte.js.
If you want to reorder toolbar buttons or remove some of them, check the following link.